Academic Library Section

The purpose of the Academic Library Section is to support and promote the mission, goals, and focus of the ULA within the area of academic libraries. The Section shall be concerned with administrative, management, political, or policy issues which relate to academic libraries and academic librarianship in general. The ALS shall be responsible for major programs at the annual workshops and other programs, provide an opportunity for the discussion of issues, events, needs and problems currently related to the academic library.

The section also serves as ULA’s chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The section’s steering committee members serve as delegates to the ACRL Chapter Council.

Association of College and Research Libraries

ACRL Chapters Council & Resources

Scholarship and Creative Works

Section Steering Committee


Sharolyn Swensen
Continuing Resources Catalog Librarian, Assistant Librarian
Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University


Dale Larsen
Associate Librarian
Marriott Library
University of Utah
Nena Schvaneveldt
Assistant Librarian
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
University of Utah
[email protected]