

The Charge of the Advocacy Committee is to:

  1. Help ULA members effectively advocate for sustainable funding and support for library services.
  2. Promote legislative and advocacy support for library related legislation.
  3. Alert and advise ULA Leadership on opportunities to influence public policy that may directly impact library services.

Committee Leadership

Goals 2023-2024

  • Cultivate and Grow Let Utah Read, UT Library Advocate Coalitions
  • Build relationships with new coalition partners and leverage lobbying power of organizations that share common cause and common concern with ULA.
  • Work collaboratively with coalition partners on legislative funding and policy agendas and rapid response actions.
  • Leverage social media and coalition partners to identify Utahns who support libraries
  • Continue Building Relationships with Legislators
  • Activate ULA members in contacting legislators

 Actions You Can Take

  • Direct Utahns concerned about censorship to the Let Utah Read page and encourage them to join and/or sign petitions
  • Sign and share the I Love Utah Libraries Pledge
  • Email your legislators to oppose or support bills when you receive action alert or request from ULA leadership
  • Attend Utah Legislative hearing (in person or virtually) and offer comments for/against bills as needed.
  • Get to know your legislators personally
    • Invite them to visit the Library.
    • Take photos and put in newsletters and in your social media.
    • Tag them, and thank them for visiting and supporting the library!



  • January 27, 2022: Advocacy Training: On January 27, 2022, the Advocacy Committee held an online advocacy training. If you missed the training or would like to review it, a recording of the training and the slides for the training are both available.


Bills We Tracked in 2023 (see: Legislative Wrap Up 2023)