Library Paraprofessional & Support Staff Roundtable (LPSSRT)

LPSSRT sponsors the ULA Paraprofessional Certificate Program. This program is designed to recognize the involvement and contributions of career-oriented library paraprofessionals in Utah and to acknowledge their support of libraries and librarianship.

The purposes of the Library Paraprofessional and Support Staff Roundtable are to:

  • Provide representation in the Utah Library Association for paraprofessionals and support staff working in Utah Libraries
  • Foster interaction between professional and paraprofessional librarians in discussion forums and mentoring programs
  • Provide a forum for discussion about the future of paraprofessionals and support staff in Utah Libraries

What is LPSSRT?
The Library Paraprofessional and Support Staff Roundtable is for library employees who work in Staff positions (i.e. support staff, paraprofessionals, library technicians, library assistants, library associates, para-librarians, clerks, shelvers). This group offers a forum to air concerns and share ideas for greater cooperation between Librarians and Staff members, to offer training and professional development support to library staff, and to assist other staff workers in their efforts to improve the library they work in.

Who can join?

How do I join? And what do I do to participate?
When you’re joining ULA, simply check the LPSSRT box. This will allow the LPSSRT leaders to use your email address to contact you with news and upcoming LPSSRT events. Please contact a member of the board with any ideas or concerns—even complaints—that you have. Usually, participation is encouraged at the ULA Annual Conference (2020 having a major exception).

Who can I contact with questions, concerns, or ideas for discussion?

Current Officers:

Chair: Kara VanderLinden, Salt Lake County Library, [email protected]

Chair-Elect: Cindy Ledingham, Brigham Young University, [email protected]

Member-at-Large: Melanie Petersen, Duchesne County Library
Member-at-Large: Rebecca Adams, Marriott Library
Member-at-Large: Sydnie Brewster, Salt Lake County Library System

Some Resources:

ULA’s #paraprofessional SLACK channel (ID:C020Z7QF7UH)

Library Leadership Podcast: Kind Leadership with Dr. Sarah Clark

Niche Academy
Niche Academy gives your people the knowledge and skills they need to succeed—both the people you serve and the ones you employ

BrightTALK – Discover and learn with the world’s brightest professionals
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Mindful – healthy mind, healthy life
Mindful celebrates mindfulness, awareness, and compassion in all aspects of life—through Mindful magazine,, events, and collaborations.

Leadership from any position: