Meeting Minutes Subject Quarterly ULA General Board Meeting Date September 6, 2012 Facilitator Patricia Hull Time 11:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. Location West Jordan Library Scribe Kandice Newren Attendees Patricia Hull, Adriane Juarez, Pamela Martin, Anna Netrour, Kandice Newren, Juan Lee, Daniel Compton, Angela Igo, Michael Goates, Debbie Short, Catherine McIntyre, Rebecca Schroeder, Wanda Huffaker, Ryan Combs, Connie Lamb, Amy Birks, Tim Wallace, Kent Slade, Abby Adamczyk, Jennifer Fay, Vern Waters, Lyndi Hatch, Rick Anderson, Emily Swanson, Robert Shupe, Jamie Ward, Errin Pedersen, Robert Shupe, Deborah Ehrman, Liesl Seborg, Amy Birks, Shay Woodruff-Wilson, Patricia Hardesty, Anna Laura Brown Key Points Discussed No. Topic Highlights 1. Reports * TreasurerÕs Report was approved * Budget was approved 2. Finances * We broke even on the Fall Conference * We have a $1,200 deficit, but that is before membership dues and conference * The budget includes sending three people to the ALA conference * We may need to dip into reserve funds * Dues need to be raised o HasnÕt been done in a long time o Utah is one of the cheapest in the nation * Motioned to raise dues to $60 for full time librarians, $30 for part time workers, students, and retired o Motion was passed * Need to raise cost of Fall Workshops and ChildrenÕs Conference, and start with Conference 2015 o Price is set for 2014 o Need to be revenue producing * Need to raise fees for all conferences/workshops * Need to create a Finance Task Force to look at increasing revenue and membership o Creating a task force was motioned and passed o Debbie Short volunteered to be a member (not a chair) o Steven Decker (Cedar City) volunteered * Ideas for raising funds: Have silent auctions, try to get donations for auctions, try used book sale, sell merchandise 3. State Library * State Library Board meeting approved Capital Facility Grant Requests for two facilities (Orem and Highland) * iLead and ULA have been great partners, providing great opportunities o Writing a grant for funding in two years 4. Public Relations Committee * Wants to put together a quarterly email with organization wide information to be sent to every library o Create a list of all the libraries and organizations o Check the feasibility of creating the list o DoesnÕt want to duplicate what the newsletter is sharing and doing 5. * Past Presidents Committee would like to a presentation/table at conference * Executive Director position closes today * There have been more webinars on the website o Business Roundtable has done two o State Library has offered great support by hosting on their platform o If you want a webinar in the fall, please contact Anna * Town meetings in outlying parts of the state Š Librarians need to be at the town meetings to support the libraries o ULA will try to take a more proactive role * Multi-Cultural Round Table has been renamed Diversity Services Round Table * There is a tour of the Church History and Family Libraries on October 11 from 2-5 * The Fall Workshop is at USU on September 27 * BYU is hosting Roles of Academic Libraries and Research on October 2 (title is a work in progress) 6. Kent Slade * ALA President has created a public relations outreach program to the community of the values of libraries (Declaration for the Rights of Libraries) o Statement of how valuable libraries are for the communities they serve (public, school, etc.) and what they can do o Asking libraries throughout the country/state to have public signing ceremonies o Want a report back to ALA of how many people are signing (wants 1M in the country) o Wants someone to head it up on a statewide basis (Support from USL and ULMA) to get the information out to the different libraries * Kent will do it o Past-President Committee, PR Committee, and Outreach Committees should work together to get libraries involved o ThereÕs no deadline for getting this done o Let your library director know this is available o This will be posted on ULA, send in pictures, or marketing material (if different than ALA) Templates by PAGE 1 of 1 PRINTED ON: 12/4/2008 11:10